Sunday, January 25, 2009

The First Post

Well, my friend Nicole has had a blog tracking her "moments in time" for quite awhile and my friend Caihlen has a site dedicated to the Zen of fly fishing, so it felt like time to develop a blog myself. I started by helping my daughter with her blog devoted to the world of Twilight. Yes, I ended up using a similar template for my site, but she chose so well I couldn't help but like the classic elegance of light text on a dark background.

I will begin by uploading my own "islands in the center of the storm", from the last couple years. These are images capturing memories of the places I've been, the things I've seen, and the experiences I've been fortunate enough to have. Everything I will post is something I've seen in the last year or two, and measured by that yardstick, I live a rich life indeed. Once I've caught up with the last couple years, I've recently started documenting my experiences here locally in Flathead Valley, Montana. I'd like to give the world a taste of the rich experiences available here in Northwestern Montana so they understand the reason to visit this part of the globe and why so many that do end up finding a way to live here.

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